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Wax Museums

Wax Museums

Welcome to Uncanny Valley
Some of the creepiest fake humans around

Natural Bridge Wax Museum and Factory
Where creepiness is born

Hollywood Wax Museum: Gatlinburg, TN

Top Ten Creepiest Wax Presidents
From my travels at Wax Museums through the South.
Mammoth Cave Wax Museum and Follow the Leaders Wax Museum 
A story of a wax museum and its ultimate redemption

President's Hall of Fame
Where Wax President's truly get an opportunity to shine

Potter's Wax Museum
America's Oldest Wax Museum, still awesome after all these years

Musee Conti
New Orleans's amazing Wax Museum

Madame Tussaud's
In Washington, DC

Chambers of Horror
Where only the bravest venture

Christ in the Smokies
Behind the scenes at the South's premiere Religious Wax Museum

Josephine Tussauds Wax Museum
Well maintained classic wax museum in Hot Springs, AR

Lacledes Wax Museum
The undisputed creepiest wax museum in the world

Lacledes Wax Museum: Chamber of Horrors
The creepiest part of the world's most creepy wax museum

Precious Disney Artifacts
Amazing collection of Disney artifacts

Return of the Body Slices
Legendary mutilated body parts horrifying school children for decades

Metropolis, IL
Home of Superman, with an amazing Superman museum