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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Spongorama - Bizzare Sponge Themed Museum

Early this year I attempted to visit the notorious Florida Tourist Attraction "Spongerama", sadly after driving several hours out of our way the museum was CLOSED that day because of flooding.

With my recent visit to Florida I was determined to check this place of my list and took another out of the way to trip to Spongeorama, which was luckily open for business.  Check out the video at the bottom of the page for my visit.  Here are some photos of the displays.  As you can see these are very old mannequins behind some very foggy glass.

It became apparent they only had a few different heads

The best display is the tableau showing the dangers of Sponge Diving and a sponge diver horrifically dying from "The Bends".

Check out my full exploration below.

The Carpetbagger

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