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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Spongorama - Bizzare Sponge Themed Museum

Early this year I attempted to visit the notorious Florida Tourist Attraction "Spongerama", sadly after driving several hours out of our way the museum was CLOSED that day because of flooding.

With my recent visit to Florida I was determined to check this place of my list and took another out of the way to trip to Spongeorama, which was luckily open for business.  Check out the video at the bottom of the page for my visit.  Here are some photos of the displays.  As you can see these are very old mannequins behind some very foggy glass.

It became apparent they only had a few different heads

The best display is the tableau showing the dangers of Sponge Diving and a sponge diver horrifically dying from "The Bends".

Check out my full exploration below.

The Carpetbagger

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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Smallest Church in America Burned to the Ground

Sadly we must say goodbye to another iconic piece of the Southern Roadside.  In South Newport, GA, not far from the Florida line sat the Smallest Church in America.  That is until last night.

On the unholy holiday of Black Friday someone burned down the smallest Church in America.

Photo Andrew James/WSAV-TV, Savannah, Ga.
All the way back in 2008 my family stopped at the Smallest Church in America on our first family trip to Walt Disney World.

The church was approximately 10 feet by 20 feet.  Technically, it is not THE Smallest Church in America, but its still okay to call it that because that's its official name.

The church was open to all travelers, because get this:  It legally belonged to Jesus Christ.  The former owner put it in her will that the Church and property would be deeded to Jesus Christ when she died.  Locals kept up and maintained the property.

The Church seats twelve, that way there is a seat for all the Apostles.   Feel free to leave a tack on Judas's seat.

Inside there is a notebook where people leave their letters to God.

The local community has vowed to rebuild the church.  Hopefully I will be visiting the Smallest Church in America before too long.

The Carpetbagger

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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Thanksgiving In Uncanny Valley

I hope everyone out there has a wonderful, if not slightly unsettling Thanksgiving.

The Carpetbagger

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And I can't forget my Flickr Photostream, where all this got started.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Sir Goony's Mini-Golf

One thing I love is a good old school miniature golf course.  After receiving info from a friend I had to head out to Knoxville to check it out for myself.  Very old school fiberglass sculptures.  One thing I am still in the process of is trying to find out the history behind this course.  There is another Sir Goony's golf course in New York and the sculptures themselves, especially the Dinosaur look exactly like some of the Goony Golf courses in the Florida pan handle.  Check out the video below as well as the photo gallery.

The Carpetbagger

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