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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Tupac Statue in Stone Mountain, GA

There is a statue of Tupac Shakur in Stone Mountain, GA.   No, seriously.

The statue was park of the Tupac Shakur foundation for the arts, an organization set up by Tupac's mother.  Sadly, it did not last long and is now very abandoned.

The statue now sits in a neglected mediation garden next to the center.  The statue itself is unusual, as it depicts Tupac not has how he died, but how he would look if he were alive today.  In addition, he is dressed like a preacher, with a cross around his neck and a bible in his hand.  I'm not a Tupac expert by any means, but I don't feel this was necessarily his normal wardrobe.

Check out the following video where me and my friend Adam the Woo search out this legendary statue.

The Carpetbagger

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Sunday, September 20, 2015

City Museum: Bizzare Attraction with Confusingly Boring Name

Over my travels I have learned that some of the best roadside attractions have the most underwhelming names.  One of my all time favorite locations, Museum of Appalachia is a fun house of bizarre artifacts buried under is super bland name.   However, I think the title for most oddly boring name goes to the "City Museum" in St. Louis, MO.  If you just heard the name "City Museum" you would probably think it was the most boring place in the world.  This could not be further from the truth.

While the City Museum is indeed inside of a City, the title "museum" itself is almost a misnomer.  Of course I would struggle to actually come up with a name for what this attraction actually is.

The City Museum provides no maps.  There are hardly any explanations offered for what you are actually looking at.  There are hardly any signs telling you where things are.....except this one.

The Whale is one of the first things you see when you walk in.

And so the insanity begins.  There are random stair cases, tunnels and secret passages that take you other parts of the museum.  You quickly loose track of where you are in the museum, how do you leave or even what floor you are on.  The entire thing is like one giant piece of folk art posing as a museum.

While many of the slides, ladders and tunnels appeal to children, not all the artifacts are necessarily child friendly.

They do keep the museum tradition of having loads of taxidermy.

Some of it gets downright creepy....

They had some sideshow staples like shrunken heads..........

They have a Fiji Mermaid, but its looks more vicious than normal.....

As I said, there are no placards to tell you what you are actually looking at just straight up insanity.

If you mange to find your way outside there is maddening structure made of metal, full of mazes, slides and tunnels....

You can crawl to frightening heights and even sit in a gutted fighter jet.

Overall, it is very difficult to describe exactly what the City Museum IS.  Is it a Museum?  Is it a piece of art.  Is a Chuck E. Cheese built by escaped mental patients?  Who knows.  But it is something that truly needs to be experienced to be understood.

The Carpetbagger

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And I can't forget my Flickr Photostream, where all this got started.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Live Periscope Adventures

I have been putting a lot of focus into my youtube page recently.  One new experiment I have been trying is to film live explorations of abandoned locations and broadcast them in real time on the periscope app.  This allows me to interact with viewers in real time while I am at a location.  Later, I can upload this adventures to youtube complete with viewer comments.  Please add me on periscope @jcarpetbagger and join me on my live adventures.

Check out the live videos below.

I'd love to have you there!

The Carpetbagger

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Please subscribe to my Youtube Page where I regularly post videos. 

And I can't forget my Flickr Photostream, where all this got started.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Food Review: Anna Eats a Raw Oyster

Three years ago Anna tried her first raw oyster.  She was scarred for life.

Three years later she has built up the courage to try raw oysters once again.


The Carpetbagger

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And I can't forget my Flickr Photostream, where all this got started.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Exploring an Abandoned Church

Follow me as we take a look inside this amazing abandoned church.

The Carpetbagger

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And I can't forget my Flickr Photostream, where all this got started.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Don't Build a Theme Park on a Mountain

In my travels I have come to one realization in my travels across the Southern roadside:  Don't build a theme park on top of a Mountain.  I present to you exhibits A, B and C.

Exhibit A: Gold Mountain: a theme park that failed so spectacularly that it hardly anyone even remembers that it existed.  A rotten staircase is nearly all the remains.

Exhibit B: Ghost Town in the Sky: a cursed theme park that can't catch a break.  From rock-slides, financial woes and accidental shootings, every time they get ready to reopen the park something
 terrible happens.

Exhibit C:  Funtown Mountain.  A theme park so cursed that after only 2 months its owner went completely insane and single handily destroyed it with his own bare hands.

The Mountains are cursed.

The Carpetbagger

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And I can't forget my Flickr Photostream, where all this got started.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Oral Roberts Prayer Tower

Last November when I visited Tulsa Oklahoma's Oral Robert's University, I didn't have much idea of who Oral Roberts was. 

My research now shows, he was controversial religious figure and one of the first televangelists.  He was a faith healer and his son later claimed that his father could bring people back from the dead.  He was know for his controversial tactics in collecting money, going as far as telling people that God would literally kill him if he didn't reach his fundraising goals.  Oh yeah, and he also had his own personal University which is still operational to this day.

Now, no mater what your religious beliefs are, there is one fact that cannot be denied:  Oral Robert University is amazing.  I have no idea what kinda stuff they teach here, but check this out.

The architecture is stunning, grandiose and like nothing I have ever seen.

Check out this Jesus statue....

The center piece of the university, sticking out like Cinderella Castle, is the magnificent Prayer Tower.

The prayer tower is modeled after Jesus's crown of thorns and has burning flame on the top.

It has an observation deck, but silly old me showed up on one of the rare occasions that it was closed.

As amazing as the Prayer Tower is, THAT'S NOT ALL......Wait until you get a load of this.....

The world's largest praying hands!  And check out those tine normal sized people underneath. 

Seriously, this place is amazing.

The Carpetbagger

I love hearing from people please comment below.  Also, feel free to email me at

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Please subscribe to my Youtube Page where I regularly post videos. 

And I can't forget my Flickr Photostream, where all this got started.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Carpetbagger Food Reviews

I have been doing some food reviews of weird  twists on Southern Foods.  Check them out.

The Carpetbagger

I love hearing from people please comment below.  Also, feel free to email me at

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Please subscribe to my Youtube Page where I regularly post videos. 

And I can't forget my Flickr Photostream, where all this got started.