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Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Odditorium Bar - Asheville, NC

I'm not much of a drinker, but when the Odditorium bar opened in Asheville, NC I was psyched.  As I have discussed here in the past I am a huge fan of freak shows.  With a name like Odditorium, it was bound to exhibit some strange an unusual things.  I went to the bar in 2013 and honestly was a bit disappointed.   There collection of oddities at that time was very small.....

They had a two headed duck which was admittedly really cool....

Some post-mortem portraits of little kids, which is a bit dark, even for my tastes.....

A dummy with a monocle.....

And a freaky Carol Channing doll.......

Of course, I should have cut them some slack, as they had just opened.  I returned recently and the bar was much improved.  They had added some really cool murals on the outside.

This mural features both the King of Freaks, Johnny Eck and the Siamese Hilton Sisters..........

And check out this weird Elephantapus........

Now I just want to see the SyFy original movie.........

Inside, the collection of oddities had grown.  Most of the collection is for sale.  Here is a big gross petrified hairball....

Their collection included a lot of nasty things in jars......

Including One Eyed Willie the Rabbit....

They had some taxidermy as well.......

I must say 250 is a good price for a stuffed coyote.....

They have a cabinet full of random creepy doll heads.....

Their Fiji Merman was a little cartoons for my liking.....

Of course I am probably the only person in the world who rates Fiji Mermen..........

Here is "Kevin", their human Skeleton....

But my favorite object had to be Amy the Possum Dragon.....

Which is the perfect center piece for a Southern Freak Bar............

Definitly check it out if you are in the area.....Oh yeah, their drinks are good too...........

The Carpetbagger

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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Scape Ore Swamp Monster

Now I have talked about the Scape Ore Swamp Monster BEFORE.  But now I set out to find him for myself.  What do I find instead?  Check out the video below to find out.

The Carpetbagger

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Sunday, August 9, 2015

Volo Auto Museum

Okay, I admit, I am not a big "car guy".  My car does not function as a status symbol or a luxury item, it is to get where I need to go and take me on roadtrips.  That's not to say that the Volo Auto Museum in Volo, IL is not an amazing attraction, but the reason I traveled there was not for the Automobiles, but rather for the Holy Grail of Mold-A-Ramas.

But I will get to that in a bit.  First let's take a look at the Volo Auto Museum.  To anyone who loves cars this is going to be the place dreams are made of.  There are multiple buildings packed with classic cars, most which are actually for sale.  But this museum appeals more people than just gear heads.  There is also much to be enjoyed by fans of TV and film.  About any famous vehicle can be found here.

The Blues Mobile......

The Delorean......

Ecto 1....

Pee-Wee's Bicycle......

Kit from Knight Rider...........

The Beverly Hillbilly's Jalopy.....

Herbie the Love Bug, from "Herbie Fully Loaded"

And what would a car Museum be without a General Lee.....

Even famous animated vehicles are represented.

They have a car from Walt Disney World that has been driven by Cruella Deville, Miss Piggy AND Barbie in parades.

They have Grandpa Munster's "Dragula" raise car which would go on to inspire the Rob Zombie song of the same name.  Great car, great song, great music video.

The cars are all behind velvet robes and you are forbidden to touch them, oddly the one exception is the Flintstones Car from the John Goodman movie, which you are allowed to climb into.

Of course one of the most legendary cars shown at roadside attractions and museums is the Death Car of Bonnie Clyde.  Now, at one point of history there were at least 5 different cars on exhibit claiming to be the genuine deal.  Volo has one of these fakes.

Supposedly, this version was the one that was used as a mobile for the prop car used in the Warren Betty Movie......that car can actually be found in the Museum of Crime and Punishment in Washington, DC.

Washington, DC
There actually is some similarities in the bullet patterns. 

If you like Batman you are in luck!

They not only have the original Adam West Batmobile.....

But the Michael Keaton version as well....

If you prefer the Christian Bale version, they have the Semi that Heath Ledger's Joker rode in....

They have a collection of "oddity" type vehicles as well....

There are a handful of pretty cool non-vehicular props as well, including a T-800 used in T2:Judgement Day....

And the horrifying suit used in Mike Meyers desecration of "The Cat in the Hat".......

They have a full body suit of "Sully" from Monsters INC, that was recalled because it was deemed to be too dangerous to used for promotional purposes.

Like any good museum, there is a decent collection of creepy mannequins....

They also have a cool little Animatronic Pirate Show, sadly it was non-operational while we were there. 

All this was truly wonderful, but the real reason from my visit was this:

It is what I feel is the Holy Grail when it comes collecting Mold-A-Ramas.  This is the only existing functional Disneyland Toy Factory on public display.  It still produces plastic Mickey Mouses.

For a closer look at this amazing piece of machinery, check out the video below.....

The Carpetbagger

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