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Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Dragon! The Legend of Highway 129

Here in the mountains our curvy roads have a tendency to attract motorcycle enthusiasts.  No road is more popular amongst bikers as the strip of Highway 129 between North Carolina and Tennessee known as "The Dragon".  The curves of this road are so beloved that a lot of them have their own names.

There is a motorcycle "resort" on North Carolina side that features multiple dragon sculptures.

Complete with Southern tourist staple:  The Moonshine still.

One of the most interesting and macabre features of the resort is "The Tree of Shame".  Its kind of like a twisted version of a shoe tree.

Every time motorcycle wreckage is recovered from an accident it is hung up on this tree.  Keep in mind that each one of those pieces is from a horrible accident.

Check out the video below as a brave this notorious road.

The Carpetbagger

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