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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Coon Dog Cemetery

The pet cemetery is very interesting phenomenon to me.  In one sense I understand completely, as I am a pet lover.  In another sense, I can not deny that it is striking to see, a cemetery is an inherently human construction and to see pet names and non human pictures on them is something your brain has trouble processing. 

This past November I had a chance to see one of the most exclusive and specific cemeteries in the world:  The Coon Dog Cemetery in Cherokee, NC.

Now, I must admit, my knowledge of coon dogs is somewhat limited.  From what I can gather they are dogs that are used in the hunting and shooting of racoons.  I'm not clear if they are a specific breed of dogs are not.  Most of all, I am not clear on why they have their own cemetery in the backwoods of Alabama.

Okay, why does it say "Be careful with fire!".  Why would you bring fire to a cemetery anyways?

These fine monuments greet you at the entrance.

The Coon Dogs are all buried in marked graves, with obvious reverence......

And you have to appreciate some of these zany names......

The Carpetbagger

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