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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Abandoned House in a Cotton Field

The farming of cotton has long been associated with the South.  While often associated with a troubling past, cotton can still be found growing across the Southern United States.  To me, there is something deeply striking about a field full of cotton.

Up close cotton in fascinating.  While the white fluffy part is as fluffy as you'd think, the husk is shockingly hard, shard and will slice your hand open.

While driving with my buddy on the way to see the World's Oldest Ham, we stumbled across and amazing farm house in the middle of a field of cotton.

The brittle old house was covered with cotton on all sides.

I couldn't help but take a peek inside to find a strikingly yellow room.

A trip upstairs allowed some breathtaking views of the surrounding cotton.

I love that beautiful barn.

Here's a peek through the front window.

The Carpetbagger

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