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Saturday, January 3, 2015

Metropolis, IL: Hometown of Superman

Metropolis is the home town of Superman.  Yes, Superman.  The alien super hero with a list of infinite superpowers.  Now there are a few differences between the real life Metropolis and the fictional version.  While the fictional version of Metropolis is a bustling, er "metropolis", that resembles New York City, the real life Metropolis is a small town in in Southern Illinois. 

But make no mistake about it.  Metropolis IS the hometown of Superman.  If you have any doubts just go head into town.

Outside a gas station on the outskirts of town sits a set of comic foregrounds.....

The gas station sold tons of Superman merch and even had superhero themed bathrooms.......

I find the above image hilarious.  Can you imagine being trapped on the toilet with no toilet paper, just to have Superman come to your rescue.

As you head into town you start to realize how deeply the town's civic pride runs.  This is something you have to admire.  So many towns are so half hearted about their civic pride.....

Sadly, this is false advertising
The people of Metropolis are all in when it comes to Superman.  I have never seen a town this proud.

Various things around town are named after Superman and Superman lore.  The local Newspaper is called "The Planet".

The video game store is called "Planet Krypton"

The gym goes a little off brand.......

The centerpiece of this Civic Pride is the massive Superman statue that sits in the middle of town.

Tourists line up to have their photos taken with the Superman statue.  The line was so long, I was ready to start looking for a Fastpass machine.

Finally I had a chance to stand in front of Superman.  A friendly lady offer to take my picture.  Sher apparently didn't think including Superman's head was important.

Down a few blocks is a much more low key statue of Lois Lane.

Near the Superman Statue is a Museum dedicated to Superman. 

The museum was in the back of a Superhero themed toy store, so I was basically expecting a bunch of old Superman toys, but I was actually blown away by how awesome it was.  They did indeed have a bunch of vintage Superman merch.

But they have so much more.....Including Wax figures of both Christopher Reeve and George Reeves (no relation).

Not to mention a Wax Clark Kent.

They also have an amazing collection of movie and TV props, including suits and capes from all the classic Supermen....

Christopher Reeve.....

George Reeves....

The Superboy TV Show....

Outfits from "Louis and Clark"

Including a large portion of of Teri Hatcher's wardrobe....

Supergirl has her own section.....

Other awesome movie props include "flying harnesses" used in movies....


A rip-away Clark Kent Suit.....

An authentic pair of George Reeves' Clark Kent glasses....

A large collection of Christopher Reeve's Superman curls........

Plus Marlon Brando's wig.....

And Bizzaro Superboy's head.....

Overall, the Superman museum is AWESOME.  Anyone with a love or appreciation of Superman would be in heaven here.

Another attraction that is heavily touted in Metropolis is the Americana Hollywood Museum.  I traveled the short distance through Metropolis to the museum.

Sadly, the museum appears to have been shuttered for some time.

A peek in the window, showed that the museum looked like an abandoned toy store.

So sadly, we are not going to get to tour the Americana Hollywood Museum.  However, sticking with the Superman theme, they do have a big honking piece of Kryptonite outside.

The Carpetbagger

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