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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Laclede's Landing Wax Museum Part 2: The Chamber of Horrors

For the first part of my article on Laclede's Landing Wax Museum click HERE.

WARNING:  What you are about to see is potentially disturbing and non-family friendly.

Okay, once you have braved the unsettling maze that is the Lacelede's Landing Wax Museum it is time to head into the basement, where things shockingly become even more unsettling.  The Chamber of Horrors is best described as hybrid between a Haunted House attraction and a Wax Museum.  You walk through very very narrow tunnels.  They are narrow to the point where it is virtually impossible to walk past Wax figures without brushing against them.  Motion sensors are constantly setting off alarming and horrifying noises and activating movement in figures behind chain link fences, and causing the lights to turn completely off.

The Chamber goes on and on and on.  You start to wonder if it will ever truly end.  Your mind plays tricks on you and you wonder if you somehow missed the exit.   Not a single costumed human jumps out at you, but it is unnecessary.  The wax figures are scary enough by themselves.  This is basically the Uncanny Valley on crack.  If mannequins, dolls or Wax figures scare you, then you will poop your pants.

Figures include zombies.....

Various mutant monstrosities......

There are a smattering of horror movie characters such as good ole Hannibal Lecter....

The Museum made the decision to put their Hitler Figure in amongst the monsters.  Which does make sense....

There are extremely gory scenes as well.....

This includes a walk through freezer, with frozen body parts....

They potentially cross a line with a graphic scene portraying auto-erotic asphyxiation.....


The parade of horror is seemingly endless....

There are quite a few more figures, but honestly I reached a point where I just needed to get out and quit taking pictures.  (Despite being very brave).

This Wax Museum is insane.  If you love being creeped out this place is a must see.

The Carpetbagger

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