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Friday, November 14, 2014

Cherokee, NC Abandoned Neon with Adam the Woo

Hey You All!  Recently I had the honor of adventuring with Adam the Woo as we hunted for abandoned neon signs in Cherokee, NC.

Check out Adam's video and go over to his channel and subscribe!

Did you watch the video?  Good.  While we found a great collection of neon signs, Cherokee is in a state of change.  With the continued expansion of the Harrah's casino and its massive tower motel the old motels and tourist traps are quickly vanishing.  Here are some signs that have vanished in the past 10 years.

This sign was in the video, but for some reason it had been painted solid yellow.

Here is the Cherokee Trader back when it was lit up....

Here are both sides of the Martonian before it was completely overgrown, you can see clearly how "conditioned" is spelled wrong on one side and wrong on the either.

And here is the big Chief back in better days.....

Here is one of the original cabins from Mac's Wigwam Village.   You can see they used to be MUCH smaller.

And just in case you wanted another look at the rotten faced old bear.....

Believe it or not, there used actually be another outdoor taxidermy bear a few doors down.....

And of course, here is the random triceratops before his most recent paint job.....

To check out my original article about Cherokee go HERE.

For a look at "Chiefing" in Cherokee go HERE.

The Carpetbagger

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