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Sunday, June 15, 2014

My Dad and Madame Tussaud

As I write this it is father's day in America.  I have always had a good relationship with my dad and can always spend the whole evening talking to him on the phone.  My dad enjoys traveling as well, and he has accompanied me on some of my journeys.  A few years back my whole family took a trip to Washington, DC.  Now, dad isn't into roadside attractions like I am.  "Can we maybe just go to a actual real museum?"  he will ask.   But sometimes he will be a sport and go into somewhere cool.

When in DC I talked him into going into the Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum and I think he enjoyed himself.  In fact, its possible that he enjoyed himself a little to much.

First of all, let me just say that Madame Tussaud's is not my favorite wax museum.  The figures look good.  Really good.  So, don't go there expecting ghoulish figures that don't resemble the people they are based after.  The major appeal to museum is that you are allowed to interact with the figures much like you can at the Hollywood Wax Museum in Pigeon Forge, TN.  This appeared to be something that my dad could get into.

He enjoyed kicking back with Bob Dylan.

Stuffing a dollar is Brittany Spear's g-string....

Assassinating Lincoln.....

Getting friendly with Madonna......

Dancing with Beyonce.......

"Who was that I was dancing with?"  He would ask.

And then doing God know what to Joan Rivers.........

I must say that this Joan Rivers looks more lifelike then the real Joan Rivers.....

Here is me my dad and my brother posing with the Kennedys, I'm not sure why we are all wearing fur coats, or why my dad is groping Jackie O......

I can't totally single out my dad for being inappropriate in the Wax Museum, as we all took our turns....

Here is my wife punching George W. Bush.....

Snapping Larry King's suspenders.....

And clawing out Oprah's eyes.....

Of course, I was not above this rampant celebrity violence......Here I am punching out Evander Holyfield.....

And punching out Babe Ruth........

And punching out Tiger Woods.....

A good time was had by all..............

By the way, Madame Tussaud was a french woman who lived through the French Revolution.  She became was apprentice of the world's greatest Wax Maker.  She was sentenced to death at the guillotine because of her ties to the royal family, but was able to worm her way out of it.  At that point she began making death masks of the royal family's decapitated heads, which would be used to revolutionary parades.  She would hone her craft by practicing on mental patients at asylums.  She would become the most revered and famous Wax worker of all time.  She looked like this.....

Happy Father's day everyone.....

The Carpetbagger

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