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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Cassadaga, FL: Psychic Capital of the World

During my recent trip of Florida I went out of my way to visit several strange and unusual towns that the sunshine state has to offer.  I visited and unfriendly town dedicated to Greek sponge farming, and a town populated with carnies.  I rounded out this trilogy by visiting Cassadaga, FL, a town with more psychics and mediums then any other place in the world.

The town sprung fourth from the Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp, which was founded by 19th century traveling psychic George Colby.  During a seance in Iowa Colby was visited by a Native American Spirit by the name of "Seneca".  Seneca instructed Colby to travel to Florida to found his spiritual camp, which survives to this day as a legal church. 

In modern Cassadaga the center of town is the Cassada Hotel.

The Cassadaga Hotel does not have televisions of phones in the rooms, as psychics have no use for such things.  The lobby also contains meditation booths.  The Hotel has on site psychics, which the front desk will happily set up meetings for you.

Besides this, there is plenty to meet you psychic needs in Cassadaga.  Please take time to review this activity schedule.

And of course what would a visit to Cassadaga be without a good old fashion Ghost Tour, or as they call them here "Spirit Tours".  I am going to assume that Spirit is the politically correct term for "ghost".

If you don't have the appropriate equipment.  Do not worry.....

 This local emporium has you covered.

 In addition to selling Native American and Metaphysical Stuff, they also sold crystals by the bucketful as well as oil drums full of patchouli.  Also, in their window they had this....

I don't know.....

It honestly does appear that literally everyone in town is a psychic.  Every home or place of business advertizes psychic services.

I probably should have had a psychic reading while I was there, but I like to keep the future unpredictable and exciting.....

The Carpetbagger

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