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Monday, April 14, 2014

Say Hello to My Little Satan

Everyone that knows me, knows I am obsessed with road trips.  To me, one of the important aspects of the road trip is having an inanimate traveling companion.  This is object or figures that you travel with in order to facilitate goofy photo ops with famous destinations and landmarks.  The most traditional and possibly most notorious inanimate companion is the Yard Gnome.

Also popular, is the low-budget Flat Stanley.

I however, prefer to ride with the Devil.

It all started back in 2008 when me and my wife went to the local antique mall and my wife found the little guy for sale for 6 bucks.  Unfortunately,  she mistook the "2" in front of the six for a dollar sign and we didn't realize until after we checked out that we at spend 26 dollars on this little trinket.  After being tricked into buying him, I vowed to make it worth it and decided to take him with us wherever we traveled. 

So, he went with us everywhere we went.......

To the beach.....

To Natural Bridge, VA...........

To the aptly named "Devil's Head Rock", in Chimney Rock, NC......

Here he is in front of the Sear's tower in Chicago (I will be dead an buried before I call it the Willis Tower).....

And here is Little Satan in front of St. Augustine's famous haunted lighthouse.....

Here he is posing with a real live Indian in Cherokee, NC......

And Knoxville, TN's famous Wigsphere......

In New Orleans he posed both in front of Marie Laveau's grave....

And the Superdome.....

He has stood at the Southernmost point in the United States......

Little Satan joined us on our trip to Disney World, where I road roller-coasters with a porcelain bank in my pocket in order to get these photo Ops.

I wanted to get a picture of the Little guy with some of the characters.......So I whipped him out in front of Pooh and Tigger.....

Mass chaos ensued as Pooh's body guard started yelling "What's that thing?"

Of course the little guy is always around to celebrate the holidays with us.....

And its always fun to plug him into every novelty photo app around......

He has always been with me through the hard times in my life.  

Like the time I back my car into a pole at the court house parking lot.

Or the time my septic tank backed up and I realized that it was buried under asphalt and had to dig it up....

Then there was the time I took him to my colonoscopy......

Our trip to DC gave him a whole world of photo ops.....

Plus, he got to meet his favorite president at Madame Tussaud's.

And New York was truly his kind of town......

Of course, what I always wanted to get a picture of Little Satan with a celebrity.  Last year my dream was realized, when I met Honey Boo Boo......

The Carpetbagger

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