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Friday, September 20, 2013

The Single Wide Trailer

Is there a more poignant symbol of white southern poverty than the single wide trailer?  Down here wherever there are low incomes there are clusters of trailers.  The single-wide trailer is a direct descendant of the RV, which ironically enough is used by the more well off to go on vacation.  At some point someone decided that if they made them just a little bit bigger they could get people to live in them year round.  Traditionally the single wide trailers were made out of shoddy materials.  They are packed with formaldehyde.  There floors were made of press board that would collapse when made wet.  Trailer life ain't an easy life.

I don't want anyone to think for one minute that I am looking down my nose at the trailer dwellers.  I have lived in several single wide trailers in my life, some in fairly sketchy trailer parks.  For example I used to live in the trailer in the upper right hand corner.

So, my trailer cred is firmly intact.

Decaying trailers are a common site along southern backroads.  Their poor construction and the expense it takes to dismantle them leads to being left to rot.  These rotten trailers, occupied and unoccupied have always been something I have photographed.  Here are some I have come across.

Part of an old Arby's sign used to board in the door of an abandoned trailer.....

Single-wide truck stop......

Taken on the Indian Reservation in Cherokee, NC, this trailer has a matching Teepee.....

Single-wide church.....

Something bad happened here.........

Trailer park to close to the river......

Part of a series of hatefully vandalized trailers at a local park......

Yes, that is a single wide trailer next to a giant set of concrete woman's legs.......

Here is "The Graduate" view......

The Carpetbagger

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