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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The National Knife Museum

The other day me and my family went to Smokey Mountain Knife Works to meet the beloved Turtleman.  Smokey Mountain Knife Works is an roadside attraction in its own right.

Smokey Mountain Knife Works is a giant store that celebrates everything sharp and pointy.  It is also the home of "The National Knife Museum", and there is a definite grey line on where the store ends and the museum begins.

Now, I admit my tender childhood as a suburban Midwesterner did very little in teaching me about the wonders of knives.  I learned quickly from visiting this manly wonderland that there are different types of knives.  In fact there are enough different kinds of knives to fill up a sprawling three floors of pointy decadence.

Given that I waited 8 hours in this place in order to see the Turtleman, I spent quite a while taking pictures and developing Stockholm syndrome.

Second thing I noticed was that every southern celebrity has their own line of knives.  From The Turtleman himself....

To Larry the Cable Guy......

In addition to knifes they also sell other outdoorsey merchandise, such as these Duck Dynasty Bobble Heads.....

Sold out of Uncle Si
They also sell the Duck Calls that made the family famous.  In case you didn't know, they cost A LOT.

There are also many products that I had no idea even existed....

Luckily, the Museum/Store contained two of my most favorite things:  Taxidermy and Mannequins.

Now, I have seen alot of dusty Mannequins in my travels, but I do believe this is the Dustiest

Upstairs is the "official Knife museum section", which much like the rest of the store contains a bunch of knives.

There is also exhibits on knife history......Including this mural of famous people in the history of knives....

Which now that I look at it, its basically anyone who held something sharp.  Also, if I'm not mistaken King Arthur and Achillies are fictional characters................

Of course Knife Works is home two to record setters...........

Of course, I'm not sure how many indoor waterfalls there are in the Smokies to begin with, so this may be an unfair boast.

More exciting is the world's largest knife.....

Of course giant knives are a recurring theme here......

Of course with all these pointy dangerous object, you have to throw something in for the kiddies.  The downstairs area features a Country Bear Jamboree style animatronics show staring "Bubba Bear" and Ricochet Racoon."

Play us out boys......

The Carpetbagger

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