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Saturday, July 6, 2013


I don't really like to see myself as a photographer.  I consider a "photographer" as someone who can make a picture out of nothing.  Someone who is skilled in making something either breathtaking or meaningful.  I have been told before that when it comes to photography "subject doesn't matter", that photography is about the art of creating the photo.

I don't think I agree with this.  To me the journey of finding the objects I want to photograph is more important than the photographs themselves.  I want to see amazing things, not to make boring things look amazing.  My photos are boring from a purely photographic standpoint.  I tend to shoot in a "documentary" style.  My primary focus is capturing the object, not making it look good.

Photography is a funny art form.  There was a time when taking a photo was an intensive process.  The cameras did not conform to the light conditions, you had to figure all that out yourself.  Of course you couldn't take an infinite amount pictures, as film was expensive.  Once the pictures were taken, you had to undergo a painstaking and expensive process to produce the finished photos.

These days things are very different.  The phone in your pocket has a relatively powerful camera and professional level cameras are affordable.  The camera pretty much adjusts to the light and takes the photo for you.  Plus, the digital cameras makes the use of film unnecessary and makes taking a million pictures just as cheap as taking one.

I have mixed feelings about this.  On one hand this is killing the art form of photography.  Technology is making it easy for the untrained individual to take very high quality pictures.  Newspaper photographers are being fired in massive amounts. 

At the same time this puts photography in the hand of the common person.  It gives everyone a chance to share their vision of the world.

I do think taking a good picture is still an art form, but not quite at the level it once was.

I have been sharing my photography for years on  I have decided to display my "best" photographs here on The Carpetbagger.  Flickr uses a mysterious algorithm that decides how "interesting" a picture is.  Here are ten of my most "interesting" pictures.

This car in the river actually has a good story behind it which I talked about previously on the Carpetbagger.

For some reason people like this horrifying creature I snapped on a visit to South of the Border.

I  do actually like this portrait I took of American Cultural Icon Herbert Cowboy Coward.

This is one of the most beautiful abandoned homes I have come across.  I snapped this photo in Reliance, TN.

Its an old timey pink car.  I guess people like that sort of thing.

This is one I really like.  I feel it really shows off the engulfing nature of Kudzu.

As if a van stuck on top of a bus isn't cool enough, the light here really worked out.

This photo of H.K. Edgarton is surely interesting, but the guy is such an odd character study I am surely not responsible for it.

I still can't believe the massive response I got on Flickr with this photo.  Its a combination of finding a beautiful sign and just happening to have the perfect light when I stumbled on it.  This sign can be found in Cherokee, NC.

Here it is:  my most "interesting" photo.  Of course The Minster's Tree House doesn't need my help being interesting.

Anywoo, I recently entered a photo contest for Bulldog Tours in Charleston, SC.

I would great appreciate everyone checking out the contest.  If you like my photo the best, please vote for it.  My name is Jacob Krejci and I would be happy to friend you on facebook as well.

The Carpetbagger

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and check out my Flickr Photostream - See more at:
The Carpetbagger

Please feel free to e-mail me at
and check out my Flickr Photostream