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Friday, May 3, 2013

White Trash Weddings

Last night on the news I saw a piece about a couple that were married at the County Fair.  You can watch the video HERE.

Its actually the second wedding for the couple and the bride states that it is not unusual because she is descended from Carnies.

Its actually not that bad when you compare it to the legendary Waffle House Wedding.

 Of course these are by no means the most trashy weddings I have heard of.  I knew a girl that married her cousin, while he incaracerated at the County Jail.  The wedding of course, took place at the jail.  It doesn't get more trashy then that.  I don't have pictures, because I wasn't there.   In the end that is probably a good thing, because that is just depressing.

Play us out Dixie Chicks.........

The Carpetbagger

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