Okay, this is a sensitive topic and I will handle it with the dignity it deserves. Many people may do a double take on this one, but the Raccoon penis bone is important to Appalachian culture.
The initial reaction that most people have to this is "Wait a minute, raccoons have bones in their penis?!?"
Yes, yes they do. Actually almost all mammals have bones in their penis known as a baculum. There are only a few exceptions to this. Humans do not have penis bones, but all other primates do. Oddly enough, the possum does not have a penis bone. Makes you question who are true closest relative is.
This here is a raccoon penis bone.
In Southern Appalachia the raccoon penis bone has traditionally been worn as a fertility talisman. It also has the amazing double purpose of being used as a toothpick. It keeps you fertile and keeps gunk out of your teeth.
The Carpetbagger
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